Most often, parents remind their son that he is a future man when the child is crying. "Don't cry, men don't cry!" They can say even more offensively: "Why are you crying like a girl!" It's like the difference between boys and girls is in the ability to cry. As if the main task in raising a boy is to teach him to restrain his emotions. In reality, the main thing in the upbringing of a boy lies in something completely different.

Step 1
The main skill for the boy's parents is to learn to trust their son and to be able to express this trust in the child. To make him a worthy man, a boy needs to be told more often: “We believe in you!”, “Try, you will succeed!”, “I know you can do it yourself!” It is especially important to monitor the level of your trust in the boy's mother. The desire to patronize and protect, so natural to every mother, must be kept under strict control. A good exercise for this can be making a plan for things that the son can do on his own. At least one new item should appear in this plan every day. It will be good if at the end of the day the mother discusses with the boy how many things he has done for today without the help of adults.
Step 2
In order to raise a man from a boy, it is important to cultivate in him a respectful attitude towards women. Here the father plays the leading role. If Ivanov Sr. is gallant, courteous, polite and eloquent, then Ivanov Jr. will accept such behavior. And this will happen quickly enough. Already on the playground, the "hereditary" attitude towards women will be visible.
Step 3
The child's attitude to the family will be formed based on the life of his parents. Therefore, there should be no quarrels with a child. You need to strive to relax together more often, to spend more time with each other. Learn to compromise. Appreciate every day you live.
Step 4
Since the early childhood of the boy, the mother should think about the fact that she is not only a mother for her child, but also the closest female representative. The kind of son who sees his mother will seriously affect his attitude towards women. Therefore, mom needs to try very hard to always be in shape - well-groomed, fit, beautiful. No slippers with holes and filthy bathrobes. Mom - the main woman in the life of any man - should always be beautiful.
Step 5
It is important to fill the boy's life with worthy role models. When choosing a sports club for a child, parents need to personally meet the coaches and teachers, attend one or two classes. After all, the teacher will also be a personal example. What will he teach?
Step 6
Grandfathers can be given an important assignment to take their grandson to museums. Grandfathers are the best at talking about heroic personalities. In addition to museums, acquaintance with outstanding personalities can be arranged with the help of books and magazines.
Step 7
The boy will face the prohibition “you can't cry” more than once in his life. This is required by public opinion, although medicine recognizes the danger of excessive and prolonged containment of emotions. In order not to violate the laws of society and to maintain health from a young age, it is necessary to teach the child to give way to emotions other than tears. For example, through sports, painting or construction. There are whole techniques of "release of emotions". It is important to choose the right one for the child.