How To Build A Relationship With A Baby

How To Build A Relationship With A Baby
How To Build A Relationship With A Baby

It often happens that a parent can, in a temper, say words to his child that make him feel hurt. Moreover, what was said will even harm the baby. Moreover, the phrase has a harmless meaning, but still it is worth refraining from using it.

How to build a relationship with a baby
How to build a relationship with a baby

An example of this is asking to leave you alone. There are many variations of this phrase. When a child hears such expressions often, his parent-child relationship model is slightly adjusted, pushing the role of the baby from the first position.

The next phrase is "You are so …". With this expression, you put a variety of labels on your child. Most often they include adjectives: stupid, capricious, lazy.

Most often, parents ask their children to stop crying. Words like these make it clear to the baby that the cause of his disorder and his feelings does not matter. When a child cries, he needs to show your attention and care.

Never, under any circumstances, compare your child to other children, even siblings. This behavior can provoke jealousy and negative reactions.


When you are in a hurry, you begin to urge on the child. And he, as luck would have it, does everything too measuredly. Perhaps, before you did not notice this slowness and it did not irritate you. If the parent constantly blames the baby for doing everything slowly, then he risks developing certain complexes in the crumb. In addition, his self-esteem will suffer.

If you decide to praise your child, then use different phrases, and not one hackneyed one. With its frequent use, praise is devalued.

What could be wrong with offering help to your child? Nothing if you don't use it every day. Otherwise, the child will initially tune in to failure. He will be sure that his parents will do everything for him.

In an effort to calm the baby down, adults give him what caused the hysteria. Thus, you make it clear to him that he can manipulate you.

"Quickly shut up, calm down now, hurry up, livelier …" Only with a child can you allow yourself to talk like that. The kid does not take offense at such words, but rather the opposite. His behavior becomes directly proportional to what you ask him for. Moreover, in adolescence, he generally becomes closed and alienated.
