Your man offered you free relationships instead of the usual ones. Or you just not so long ago experienced a difficult breakup, so now you do not want a serious relationship and are looking for a replacement. First, you need to understand the pros and cons of a free relationship.

The pros of a free relationship
In these relationships, everyone is on his own and everyone is on his own. In other words, you don't have any obligations to each other. You can end this relationship any minute easily and without pain. You do not need to constantly prove the relevance of the relationship to your partner. You don't need to prove anything to him at all. You do not depend on each other, which means that there will be no pain, jealousy, abuse, and so on between you.
The forbidden fruit is known to be sweet. Therefore, as soon as all prohibitions are lifted and the relationship becomes free, your partner may change his mind to cheat on you. After all, when there is no prohibition, then the most cherished and forbidden turns out to be not so desirable.
Cons of a free relationship
In such a relationship, there is a clear line between sex and love. In other words, partners know that they can have sex with absolutely any person, but love only one. Therefore, betrayal is experienced in such a relationship very easily. They are perceived as something that can happen to anyone.
Many treat such relationships negatively, considering them immoral. Therefore, if you decide to start such a relationship, then be prepared that relatives, friends, acquaintances, people around you will begin to condemn you.
In such a relationship, it is actually difficult to overcome feelings of jealousy and possessiveness. Many simply do not want to take responsibility.
Typically, this relationship ends quickly. Because at some point one of the partners will want something more, and the other simply will not be able to give it to him.