In the old days, virginity was highly prized. Moreover, her loss before marriage was strongly condemned by society. However, now the situation has changed significantly, and girls from a young age begin to be ashamed of their virginity. Remaining a virgin after 25 years is considered at least strange.

The expression "old maid" has long carried a connotation and derision. Modern people tend to exaggerate the role of sex in their lives, and therefore those who keep their virginity for too long are surprising. Some believe that women who have never had an intimate life have physical or mental disabilities.
In reality, things are often completely different. Some girls have such circumstances. First, they wait for true love to come, not wanting to rush into the arms of the first person they meet, they are afraid of strict parents or put their studies in the foreground, and postpone their personal lives for later. Time passes, the girl turns 25, 30 years old, and she is already afraid to admit to her handsome man that she has never had sex. As a result, the relationship never really worked out. It may also happen that a girl works as a teacher, librarian, etc. in a purely female team, and she simply has nowhere to meet a man.
The famous American dancer and one of the wives of Sergei Yesenin, Isadora Duncan, kept her virginity until the age of 25, which was very unusual for an artistic environment.
Often, the complexes that arise in the "late" virgins are formed under the pressure of their immediate environment, stubbornly hinting at some inferiority. Different people start to suffer from this pressure at different ages. For some, this problem arises already at high school age, for others - after graduation. In fact, you just need to learn to ignore tactless remarks while maintaining self-confidence.
By the way, many virgins dream of getting rid of loneliness, but do not know how to do it. Virginity at a later age becomes the cause of numerous psychological and social problems for them. A woman who is not married and does not date men seems strange to others and causes some prejudice or a desire to give her obsessive advice, often of no practical value.
Problems in late virgins also arise during a visit to a gynecologist. Each such visit turns into a serious test for them, because, due to the formed complexes, it is difficult for them to admit their virginity even to a doctor. Unfortunately, virgins have no one to share their problems with, they are afraid to meet misunderstanding and ridicule, so they have to keep their secret.
Too early onset of sexual activity can cause no less, and often much more harm to the health and mental state of a girl than late virginity.
Nevertheless, one should not forget that every girl is free to independently make decisions regarding her personal life. Among the "late" virgins there are many pretty, versatile educated persons, for whom the spiritual side of the relationship is important, first of all. That is why they are not interested in fleeting relationships, but in a serious relationship with a truly close person, with whom they sometimes have to wait for quite a long time.