How To Know If A Girl Wants Me

How To Know If A Girl Wants Me
How To Know If A Girl Wants Me

Getting into close tactile contact with a girl can be quite difficult: both shyness and fear of rejection interfere with it. To play it safe and not be mistaken in choosing the moment, you should first make sure that the woman you like really does not mind moving on to a closer relationship.

How to know if a girl wants me
How to know if a girl wants me

What signs are worth paying attention to

Girls often wait for the first step from a man and do not dare to demonstrate their obvious interest and desire to go to intimate contact. This is natural, because they are afraid to seem too accessible. Nevertheless, this does not prevent girls from using hints, with the help of which men knew what they wanted from them hundreds of years ago.

If you haven't hugged or kissed a woman you like and are not sure if she wants to, pay attention to her behavior, especially her gestures and looks. A girl who wants a kiss can look from your eyes to your lips from time to time. Other signs that she wants closer contact are casually touching, situations where a woman whispers something in your ear, although she can speak directly. Another common technique is to shiver, run your palms over your shoulders, complaining about the cold. In such cases, the girl can hope that the man will show attention, hug, give his jacket or sweater. If you notice such signs, try to take the woman by the hand, hug it slightly. If she hasn't pulled away or, on the contrary, even snuggled up to you, most likely she wants closer contact.

In the future, it will be easier to check if the girl wants you. The more passion her kisses are, the closer she clings to you, the higher the chance that you will not face rejection when moving to closer contact, because your chosen one wants it herself.

How to check a girl's desire

Try watching a good movie with your girlfriend, which has several erotic scenes. Of course, it is important to pay attention to the choice of the plot and genre, otherwise there is a risk that the woman will be unhappy with the viewing. Watch her reaction at the most poignant moments. You can also try to touch her hand, and if you have already reached closer contact, then hug it. You can draw some conclusions from the girl’s reaction to the movie, and whether or not she withdraws.

Observe what clothes the girl chooses to meet with you, especially if you are spending time together at her house. If she wears tight clothes, short dresses or skirts, or tops with an open neckline, perhaps this is just a way to draw your attention to her charms. To nudge a man towards closer contact, a woman can also use classic techniques: sitting down, not immediately straightening her skirt, allowing her to see her hips, and also complaining that it is too hot in the house and wants to undress.
