How To Understand What A Girl Wants

How To Understand What A Girl Wants
How To Understand What A Girl Wants

When you meet a girl or ask her out on a date, you want to impress her, make her sympathize with you. And then the question arises: how to do it? What does she want and what does she like?

What the girl wants
What the girl wants

What kind of girls are there?

Girls are ordinary people with their own thoughts, feelings, needs, plans and goals. Girls, just like guys, have life experience behind them, beliefs, ideas about what is right and what is not. The behavior of a girl, just like the behavior of any person, has its reasons and grounds.

All people are different. It is impossible to find two exactly the same people on the planet. So are the girls. Each girl has her own interests, preferences, desires.

What do girls want?

What a particular girl wants depends on her preferences. However, there are general human rules of conduct that easily apply to girls, boys and older people. For example, In general, girls, like all people, want a respectful, attentive attitude towards themselves. If you have doubts about whether a girl will like something, try asking the question: "Would a guy like this? Would my sister like it? And my mom or my grandfather?" - and you will understand what should not be done in relation to a girl on a date or in case of a chance meeting in public places.

How do you know what a girl wants?

The most obvious, simple, and quickest way to find out what a girl wants is to ask her about it. To the direct question "What do you want?" it can be difficult to answer. Therefore, it will be easier for the girl if

The second, more difficult way to find out what a girl wants is to do something (for example, give her flowers, walk her dog, kiss her neck, cook dinner), and then evaluate the girl's reaction.

It is more difficult to assess a girl's reaction when she is vague: the girl does not say no, but she does not show signs of joy or pleasure. For example, she is silent, avoids looking into the eyes, if she smiles, then her smile is strained, unnatural, her posture is tense. In this case, it is obvious that the girl did not like your actions, but she is afraid to refuse you (for example, she does not want to offend). The best option in this case is to stop your actions and clarify what went wrong.

In any case, to understand what a girl likes, do not hesitate to ask direct questions and speak openly and honestly about your intentions, desires, and feelings. Then the girl will have the opportunity to answer you: whether the same suits her as you do, or not. And this, after all, is the best way to find out what she really wants.
