Both the guy and the girl in a relationship strive for the same goal - mutual understanding and love, only the ways to achieve them diverge. What the guy likes may not suit the girl and vice versa. By some simple signs, you can determine exactly what a guy wants, what he likes, and what he doesn't like at all.

Step 1
Try to put yourself in his place before you commit any act. Imagine that you are him. This simple technique will save you from rash actions that can later push the guy away from you. If you don’t like something, then he will most likely not enjoy it either. It should only be borne in mind that everyone has different tastes.
Step 2
Talk to a guy. Ask if he likes what you do and how you do it. Try to find out his attitude to your specific actions. Discuss all issues in a soft, unobtrusive manner. Remember that you should not react harshly to his phrases or be offended for no reason, otherwise the conversation will come to a standstill, and the guy will lose the desire to talk in the future in order to prevent a repetition of such a reaction.
Step 3
Listen to his words. Don't be selfish, it's important for a guy to be listened to. Listen to him very carefully and learn to draw conclusions in order to understand what he wants. Listen to his point of view on different issues and in different situations, and try not to do what he doesn't like.
Step 4
If a guy approved of some of your actions and said that he liked it, then it can be repeated. If you didn’t say anything or didn’t approve, make the right conclusions and try not to repeat it again. If he does not explicitly express his opinion, it is better to clarify it in order to avoid misunderstandings. If you consider these four simple rules in your daily activities, you can easily learn to understand what a guy wants.