Training Of Intimate Vaginal Muscles. Video

Training Of Intimate Vaginal Muscles. Video
Training Of Intimate Vaginal Muscles. Video

Quite often, after the birth of a child, women begin to face a serious problem in their sexual life - the lack of vaginal orgasm. Representatives of the fair sex of different ages complain about this. This issue can be solved thanks to a set of exercises.

Training of intimate vaginal muscles. Video
Training of intimate vaginal muscles. Video

From the age of 25, even nulliparous girls begin to lose the tone and elasticity of the vaginal muscles. This very often leads to unpleasant consequences: the severity of sensations during sexual intimacy in both partners decreases, and the woman does not experience a vaginal orgasm.

Gymnastics of intimate muscles will help girls not only prepare for childbirth, but also be always in good shape. She brings a significant variety to the sexual life of partners.

The best solution to this problem is wumbling - exercises for training intimate muscles. They can be carried out with or without special simulators. If you practice regularly, then very soon all the fullness of sensations during sexual intimacy will return, which will make it possible to again feel your attractiveness and give pleasure to your partner.

The advantages of intimate gymnastics include:

- improving the quality of intimate life;

- reduction in the size of the vagina;

- getting rid of many problems associated with the health of the female genital organs (prevention of diseases, pain during menstruation decreases);

- reducing the likelihood of cellulite;

- strengthening the pelvic floor, as well as the abdominal muscles;

- facilitating the process of childbirth.

It is, of course, better to start classes in advance, when you have not yet had to face all sorts of difficulties. According to the recommendations of the creator of intimate gymnastics, Dr. Arnold Kegel, exercises should be done in stages. You need to start with the simplest ones, for example, just contract the muscles of the vagina and hold in this state for 5 seconds. This action must be repeated 20 times. Gradually, the time of reduction and their number can be increased and already proceed directly to the gymnastics itself.

An indisputable plus is that exercises for intimate muscles can be done almost anywhere: at home in front of the TV, at work, in the cinema and theater.

Kegel charging is as follows: first you need to squeeze the muscle ring of the vagina and hold for 10 seconds. Then relax. After another 10 seconds, you must repeat everything from the beginning. Tension and relaxation alternate for 5-7 minutes. Then you can proceed to the second stage. The next exercise is based on rapid contraction and relaxation of the intimate muscles for 3-5 minutes.

Continuing the workout, you need to slightly tighten the muscle ring and stay in this position for a few seconds. Then the muscles should be contracted a little more. After that, you need to strain as much as possible, and then relax. Gradually, the number of approaches of the exercise must be brought up to 20 times.

It is effective to do this gymnastics using special balls for wumbling. They can be purchased at any intimate goods store or online. In combination with a simulator, it is better to buy a lubricant. In order to achieve the best effect, it is advisable to devote sufficient amount of time to classes regularly. Then you can truly enjoy sexual relations.
