Criticism affects people in different ways. She annoys and offends some, and encourages others to work on themselves and to persevere in their work. In order for criticism to be useful and constructive, it is necessary to express it in the correct form.

Step 1
Before expressing criticism, think carefully if this is necessary. If the person is easily injured or painfully worried about the subject of criticism, be careful. Otherwise, your actions will have the opposite effect. In addition, you should be aware that this behavior is not due to your bad mood or general irritation. In this case, you can throw out negative energy on a loved one, but thereby cause him undeserved pain.
Step 2
Let the person know that your criticism has the best intentions. In some cases, you can save the interlocutor from a serious mistake with the help of your constructive statements. For example, if you see significant flaws in your loved one’s work project, authoritative arguments can help put the critic on the right track. That is why you need to build your speech in such a way that the person feels your benevolence, desire to help and sincere complicity in the problem.
Step 3
When expressing criticism, always start with the positive. Try to guess for yourself what were the reasons for the unsuccessful actions of your interlocutor. Justify him, and immediately state your remark. For example, a phrase may have the following structure: "You made the right decision by changing your job, but you devote too much time and effort to it."
Step 4
Always criticize the actions, not the person himself. This advice is especially relevant when it comes to a child. For example, if you see a table that is stained with paints, you should not call your baby a slob. Better tell him that he did the wrong thing, leaving such a mess after his work.
Step 5
Express criticism by offering to help. For example, if your spouse has become irritable or withdrawn, you should not make sharp comments about him. Hint that his behavior bothers you very much, but together you can work out the reasons for the failure and try to find a way out of this situation.