The society is accustomed to the fact that the initiators of dating are always guys. In fact, this is already a stereotype. Girls have exactly the same right to make acquaintances first, as do the stronger sex. Why wait for a nice guy to walk by when you can get to know him and start a great relationship.

Step 1
So, you really like the guy, but you don't know him. You shouldn't come up and tell him "Let's get to know each other" directly. You need to make an acquaintance more beautifully. Before approaching it, pay attention to your appearance. Your hair, makeup, manicure and outfit must be in perfect order to leave a lasting first impression of you.
Step 2
If you want him not to know that you took the first step, you need to cheat a little. This is not difficult if you have mutual friends with this guy. Organize a party or nature hike with the whole company. Ask friends to invite your future lover to this meeting. Let them introduce you, as if by chance. With friends, you can both relax and get to know each other.
Step 3
If you don't have friends who know this guy, it doesn't matter. The Internet will come to the rescue. Find out his first and last name. Try to find his social media profile. Add him as a friend. He may be the first to write to you. If he does not dare to take the first step, do not hesitate, just write to him that he has a very beautiful avatar. He will love your compliment and will answer you. This is how your long-awaited acquaintance will begin.
Step 4
If you want to meet a guy at school or college, you need to wait for the right moment. You can sit down at his table in the dining room, if he doesn't mind, and start a casual conversation. You can also meet in the library by dropping a whole stack of books in front of him. While collecting books, thank him for his help and offer coffee.
Step 5
If you decide to meet in a nightclub, there should be no problems at all. At discos, almost all guys and girls are in the mood for acquaintance. If he does not invite you to the first slow dance, do it yourself, until another lady appears on his horizon. During the dance, you will meet and, most likely, spend the rest of the evening together. Just be sure to make sure the young man takes your phone number.
Step 6
If you spot an object you like on the street, quickly take matters into your own hands. There may not be another chance, you just may never meet this handsome man again. Approach him with a confident gait and ask where, for example, Lenin Street is. When he explains where she is, smile sweetly and pretend to be confused. Most likely, he will invite you to personally show this place. On the way, complain to him that you didn't have time to drink coffee in the morning, and invite him to go to the first cafe that you meet on the way. Then everything is in your hands.
Step 7
Most importantly, be confident, smile beautifully, and don't be afraid to talk to strangers. Take the first step to get the very best man, not the one who himself deigns to come up!