Women are often surprised when men for no apparent reason collect things and leave them almost in English. Usually the reason for such male escapes is typical female mistakes, which destroy the relationship between a man and a woman in the bud.

What exactly scares men away in female behavior? First of all, this is the woman's desire for constant control - and freedom-loving representatives of the stronger sex react extremely painfully to the slightest restriction of their freedom. Men are no less negative about the increased exactingness of their partners, who are trying not only to mold an ideal prince from a humble mathematician, but also demand high earnings / intelligence / sexual talents. As a result of such daily “motivation”, men's self-esteem usually drops to zero and they quickly run away to freedom, where there are plenty of less demanding women.
Being obsessive in trying to mend a relationship with a guy you like is hard to come up with anything more intimidating. Men immediately put such women in the category of "sticky fish", for whom it is enough to smile, and they mentally put on a veil, gave birth to a smiling three children and transported an elderly mother with enuresis to the family nest. If the relationship has already crossed a certain line, in no case should a man be blackmailed with sex. Firstly, it will cause reciprocal blackmail or constantly accumulating irritability, and secondly, it will push the blackmailed person to look for a more accommodating lady.
And finally, with one hundred percent probability, a man will be scared off by an eternally disgruntled and grumbling woman who does not like absolutely everything. You don't want to introduce such a partner to your friends, drive to restaurants, give gifts, and so on - after all, something will certainly not suit her and she will ruin the mood not only for herself, but also for those around her. Men love optimistic, friendly and cheerful women - and this is the main secret of the ability to please.