In a love relationship, much depends on the characteristics of the characters of a man and a woman. Often, things do not go well due to the fact that partners cannot find a common language, do not know how to correctly interpret each other's words and actions. Argentine tango trainings will help you learn to quickly and easily determine the attitude of other people and even guess the peculiarities of their character, because it is in the dance that a person often reveals himself the most and fastest.

In Argentina, it is often said that the first hug can tell the dancer everything he needs about the partner even before the first step is done. For beginners, this seems surprising: and in fact, how can you understand just one moment, from a short physical contact, what kind of person is next to you, and how he relates to you? In fact, to realize the importance of hugs and interactions in tango, you have to try to dance yourself.
The essence of this secret is difficult to convey in words. However, after taking a few Argentine tango lessons, you will feel it all yourself. You will learn to notice the behavior of different people in the dance and even before it.
A man's hug and the way he holds his partner can tell a lot. How does he hug her - tenderly, tightly, confidently, shyly, too weakly? How does he take a step - abruptly, softly, with aggression, with affection? How does a woman react - does she try to seize the initiative, resists, allows herself to be led, trusts her partner? The behavior of dancers can tell a lot about both their characters and their relationships with each other.
Argentine tango is always improvisation. When a couple starts dancing, even the partners themselves, not to mention the audience, do not yet know what the next move will be. The dance always brings with it surprises, excitements, difficulties that can be brilliantly overcome.
So that partners do not get confused in movements, and their tango looks flawless, they must learn to intuitively feel each other. At such moments, a truly magical bond is established between a man and a woman. It is thanks to her that you can learn to easily feel your partner, see how he really treats you, understand the features of his character. This will help you to see even what people usually hide. A little experience, and one hug before the dance will be enough to "tune in" to the other person.
Tango requires not just attention from the dancer, but strong concentration. If a man is afraid to be a leader or is ashamed of physical contact, and a woman does not trust her partner, withdraws into herself, there will be no beautiful dance. One mistake will follow another, and both dancers will be unhappy. Interestingly, an attempt to pretend, when a person in a dance tries to show himself not as he really is, can lead to the same result. That is why one of the most important skills for an Argentine tango dancer is the ability to be yourself and develop your own unique style.