Translated from Greek, the word "character" means a feature. Character traits can tell us a lot about a person. A person with a strong character always commands respect, since, as a rule, he is a person of principle, independent, decisive, purposeful, persistent, always showing restraint and self-control. Without a strong will and a strong character in life, you will not achieve much. To be a strong character, you need to work a lot on yourself, because, fortunately, character can be nurtured in oneself.

Step 1
Strong character is nurtured through overcoming obstacles, both internal and external. Our internal enemies are well known to everyone - they are laziness, stubbornness, shyness, pride, cowardice, conceit, passivity and insecurity. External obstacles are created by life, they are associated with the performance of difficult tasks, relationships with other people, professional difficulties. Learn to overcome these obstacles, and as you struggle with your own shortcomings and external circumstances, you will gradually develop a strong character.
Step 2
Learn to subordinate your behavior not to someone else's will, but to your own convictions. Critically evaluate other people's advice and suggestions - reject or accept them, but be sure of the correctness of your decision.
Step 3
Do not neglect the little things, start building your character small, forcing yourself to jog in the morning, stop being late, or learn a few foreign words every day.
Step 4
Learn to complete the tasks set to the end, do not retreat when difficulties arise, be able to see the perspective and go to the final goal, taking at least a small step in the right direction every day, solving particular problems.
Step 5
Learn to control yourself, restrain your feelings and emotions. Every action you take should be deliberate. Maintain composure, composure, and self-control. Only a cool head can make the right decisions.
Step 6
A person with a strong character is by definition a brave and courageous person. Defend your principles and ideals, even if they are not always to the liking of others. Learn to overcome fear and dread, be ready to commit risky acts, but without recklessness and stupid daring.
Step 7
Set a goal for yourself, in the struggle to achieve which you will benefit from those qualities that make your character stronger. These can be achievements in the professional field, sports results, scientific achievements, victories in personal life. Train in overcoming difficulties, learn from your mistakes, develop. Be critical of yourself, but do not forget to encourage yourself by instilling faith in success and your abilities, drive away thoughts of possible failures, if you are working on yourself, then you are working on success in life.