They always admired a strong woman who would enter a burning hut and stop a galloping horse. But one must be strong in the union. What threatens a man from a relationship with a strong woman? Should I start them?

The first thing to understand is that she became strong only because she does not trust men. Therefore, she can never be deceived, even in small things. This will burn bridges and simply erase you from your life.
There is a lot of fire in a strong woman. Who warms the beloved man, illuminates his way forward. Exactly until he hurts her.
Before you start conquering a strong woman, it is worth understanding what this relationship threatens a man with.
She is not afraid of losing a man
A strong woman will never hold on to a man who has betrayed. She will break up a relationship in which she does not see the point. Though inferior, but her own - not from her life principles. It is better to be alone than next to just anyone - her life credo.
She dislikes those in a victim position
A strong woman is used to setting and achieving goals. She used to walk with her head up in spite of what was going on in her soul. She's doing well for everyone. And what is actually happening, perhaps only the closest people will know. Therefore, she does not tolerate whiners and those who complain. If you are around a strong woman, forget about the victim position. If you have any problems, she will gladly help in any way she can. But if you keep whining, there will be no respect for you.

She knows the value of time
A strong woman will never waste time. She has ideas, goals, she is burning with something. And she simply does not have time to waste it aimlessly. That is why next to her there will be the same purposeful man who lives a full life. With a couch copy, she is not on the way.
She is only interested in real men
She won't waste time with boys who don't know what they want out of life. She will not waste time with men with whom there is no future in a relationship.

She's straightforward
Do not try to play around and fool her head. She herself always speaks directly, without any hints. Requires the same from a partner.
She is not interested in someone else's opinion
She will never be dependent on the opinion of society. Can only listen to the opinions of loved ones. Therefore, the man's exclamation “what will people say” will shock her.
You won't be the whole world to her
A strong woman has her own interests. And she will not sit near the pant leg of her man while life is passing by. Don't wait for this. It is better to travel together, learn new things, communicate and enjoy life.
She is friends with the ex
And in general he does not speak badly of anyone. Therefore, he is unlikely to understand you if you tell something bad about your ex-girlfriend.
Dislikes relationship problems
If you have a relationship with a strong woman, she will not tolerate showdowns and tantrums on your part, or on the part of your ex-girlfriend. When entering new relationships, put an end to old ones. A strong woman does not like to drag the past into a new relationship. The past remains in the past. She lives in the moment.

She is not mercantile
A strong woman will not count your money. And if you're a scientist with a passion for physics and earning a penny, she won't care. She can fully support herself on her own without your help. A strong woman will not demand expensive gifts and dinners in a restaurant. She will be pleased, of course, if you pamper her. But if there is no possibility, she will react with understanding.
However, she will not spend her money on a man either. Not because she is greedy, but because it is beneath her dignity. A man, he is a man, to be a breadwinner, not a gigolo.
Summing up, what threatens a man from a relationship with a strong woman can be summed up by saying that with a strong woman a man becomes even stronger.
He strives higher, constantly improves and tries to become better than yesterday. A man becomes real next to a strong woman. The most important goal is to become stronger than your beloved so that she can trust her life.
A weak and weak-willed man, if he does not work on himself, will quickly leave a strong woman. Or she will stop all communication with him. Sharp and irrevocable. She burns bridges once. And does not give a second chance to anyone.