Bisexuality is love for people of different sexes. This orientation is found among both men and women, and some cannot always admit to themselves that they are attracted to different people, that it is not gender that is important, but the beauty and character of a person, his features, and not differences.

Step 1
Sexual orientation is not only about observing people, it is also about making love to them. Look at your reactions, think about who attracts you more: people of the same gender or the opposite. Take a closer look at those around you, and think about who you would like to be in bed with. Heterosexuals usually do not want to kiss members of the same sex, they can admire their appearance, admire beauty, but they are not interested in physical close contact. Bisexuals do not see much difference between men and women, they know how to fall in love with both.
Step 2
To understand your orientation, you need to test your attachments in practice. Experiments can be done at different times, but usually in life everything develops by itself. It is necessary to understand whether sex with different genders is really relevant for the individual. Sometimes visually your gender attracts, even light caresses seem very interesting, but nothing goes further. Find out how all this will be with you, whether you can get pleasure with both men and women. It should be understood that a single experience is not always indicative, because the first sex is not always perfect. But it is important not to participate in group sex, but to conduct one-on-one experiments.
Step 3
Bisexual people readily agree to sexual experimentation. To give pleasure and get it, sometimes you have to do non-standard things. Usually, people with complexes are not able to realize themselves in unconventional relationships, modesty and isolation do not allow them to try all the benefits of bisexuality.
Step 4
Bisexuality is also an opportunity to build relationships with different people. It is necessary to find a common language, organize space and life. The versatility of this orientation makes the possibilities of finding a partner very wide; you can not stop at one field, but search among all the people of the planet. Of course, not everyone dares to advertise same-sex relationships, but they can be easily disguised from prying eyes.
Step 5
Usually bisexuals do not give preference to one sex over another, they are open to any relationship, but if there are preferences, then the orientation is not entirely correct. Sometimes bisexuality is just a transition to homosexuality. Sometimes it's easier to accept your nature, to understand that your gender is more attractive and interesting for building long-term relationships.