How To Get A Guy To Take A Step

How To Get A Guy To Take A Step
How To Get A Guy To Take A Step

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The fact that a guy should be the first to invite on a date, give a bouquet of flowers, kiss, and indeed prove himself like a real gentleman every girl dreams. But sometimes all this is delayed and, either because of his indecision, or maybe because of shyness, the guy is in no hurry to take that very important first step. How do I get him to do this?

How to get a guy to take a step
How to get a guy to take a step


Female cunning, affection and a little fantasy


Step 1

Many will begin to argue, find reasons and excuses for such a guy's behavior, they say, he does not want a serious relationship, does not see a common future with me, or in general I am not attractive to him. Stop looking for reasons in yourself and blame only yourself for everything! The first thing you should do is take control of the situation and nudge your boyfriend towards that first step.

Step 2

Of course, all men are sure that the initiative belongs to them, but after all, it is the woman who first begins to signal her interest, and then the man starts more active actions. In principle, there are no standard tips on how to force a guy to take the first step, because it all depends on what step it will be, what goals are pursued, and what kind of relationship between a man and a woman at a given time. The main thing is not to pester the guy in any way, not to pressure him psychologically and not to demand something right now. Men are strategists by nature, therefore, in order to make some important decision and take a serious step, they carefully think over all versions of what is happening, weigh and evaluate the situation and its results.

Step 3

The main thing is to let the man understand that the situation depends on him, that only he can resolve it and do something, show that you depend on him. But at the same time, you can delicately hint about what exactly you would like now, for example, that you are ready for a kiss, that it is time to think about family life or at least about living together. It is very important not so much to praise your man, constantly talking about how confident, talented and promising he is, as to focus on himself - the one and only for him.
