The benefits of breastfeeding have long been known. But sometimes, for various reasons, the mother has to transfer the baby to artificial or mixed feeding. In this case, young parents have the question of which mixture to choose. It is best to consult a pediatrician in this case.

Baby formula for newborns
If the need for artificial feeding arose immediately after the birth of the child, the doctor usually advises an adapted milk formula. Its main advantage is that it contains demineralized whey, which makes such food easily digestible. The ideal infant formula should contain light albumins and globulins in proportions as close as possible to breast milk. The amount of fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals makes it possible to consider such a mixture very useful for the baby.
Often, adapted formulas contain additional components that improve digestion and improve nutritional quality. These can be bifidobacteria, lysozyme, lactulose, taurine and others. All these elements enable the baby to develop properly and gain weight. Most often, these mixtures are marked with the number "1" or the age is indicated on the packaging "from 0 to 6 months". For example, these include "NAS", "Nutrilon-1", "Pre-HiPP", "Nutrilak from 0 to 6 months.", "Pikomil-1", "Agusha-1", "Piltti".
There are also less adapted formulas on the market that contain casein milk protein, which is much more slowly absorbed by the child's body. But they lack demineralized whey, so they cannot be a quality substitute for breast milk. Such mixtures become most acceptable after the baby is 6 months old. However, these mixtures are more nutritious. For this reason, they are fed to children who are unable to withstand breaks between feedings for more than three hours. They also contain taurine, bifidobacteria, etc. These include "Similak", "Impress", "Enfamil", "Nestogen".
Specialized infant formula
After birth, a relationship is formed between the body of the mother and the baby. This promotes changes in the composition of breast milk, depending on the needs of the baby. With the help of mixtures, this balance is very difficult to achieve, therefore manufacturers produce mixtures for children with various health problems. These are prophylactic hypoallergenic formulas for newborns containing whey protein hydrolyzate for feeding babies with allergies to cow's milk proteins, such as "Nutrilak hypoallergenic", "NAN hypoallergenic". There are also hypoallergenic medicinal mixtures, which are selected strictly individually on the recommendation of a pediatrician.
Children with anemia are prescribed special mixtures with a high iron content - “Similak with iron,“Enfamil with iron.”Usually they are prescribed after the child reaches three months of age, because only during this period iron begins to be fully absorbed. - due to lactose intolerance, formulas containing soy protein are very popular - these are “Bona-Soya” or “Nutri-Soya.” All of them are also selected by a pediatrician.”
Fermented milk mixtures play a huge role for newborns. They contain bifidobacteria, which have a beneficial effect on bowel function. After a baby is born, the digestive tract is gradually colonized by bacteria. But it happens that the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria is disturbed, in this case, the "NAS fermented milk" and "Bifidus" will help to improve the condition of the child. They are most often prescribed after six months.
Choosing a formula for a newborn
Before transferring a baby to artificial feeding, parents should evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this solution. It is best to choose a mixture with a pediatrician, he will help you choose a mixture based on possible risk factors, the age and weight of the baby, the characteristics of his development and the state of the digestive system. Often, the most suitable formula for a child is chosen through trial and error, because the organism of each baby is individual. Allergies, rashes, colic or constipation may occur. All this suggests that the mixture needs to be changed.
The criterion for a correctly selected mixture is the normal physical and mental development of the baby. Any deviations from the norm should be discussed with specialist gastroenterologists. They will identify the cause and select the most appropriate food for your baby.
To avoid fakes, you need to purchase mixtures only in large specialized stores.