Optimists and pessimists have different attitudes towards life. The former never lose heart and perceive everything in bright colors, the latter see only the negative side in everything. At the same time, pessimism has some positive traits that can be helpful.

Pessimism and optimism should be viewed from at least two points of view. In the first case, we are talking about a person's mental health and well-being, his feeling of happiness, understanding his place in the world. These two concepts should be compared in terms of achieving practical goals - work, career, etc.
Pessimism and mental health
There is no doubt that pessimists feel much worse than optimists, because they see negativity in everything that surrounds them. They always assume the worst, and their fears often come true. Pessimism really poisons life, focusing a person's attention on everything dark, gloomy, unpleasant.
A positive trait of pessimists is their ability not to be upset, and in this they are similar to optimists. Only the reason for the calm perception of troubles is different for optimists and pessimists. The first ones steadfastly accept failures and firmly believe in a bright future. The latter, from the very beginning, did not hope for anything and did not count on anything, so failure is taken by pessimists for granted.
Nevertheless, in this matter, the victory should be given to the optimists. Belief in a better future gives stamina, passion, the desire to win, at any cost to achieve your goal. An optimist goes through life without fear of difficulties, overcoming them with faith in his lucky star. This faith, this optimism helps him to endure even the most difficult trials. The pessimist is afraid of everything, sees some kind of catch in everything. He is full of fears that bind, interfere with action.
Achieving practical goals
It was already mentioned above that the fears of pessimists tend to come true. This is due to the fact that thought is material, and negative thinking is really capable of attracting troubles to a person. Optimists achieve their goals much more often and faster - both due to the attitude to win, high motivation and efficiency, and due to positive thinking.
At the same time, the optimists' excessive belief in victory sometimes hurts them. There is one subtle point associated with the energy laws of the universe: if a person is too sure of something, his expectations, as a rule, do not come true. Such self-confidence has ruined more than one optimist - for the most effective achievement of the goal, it is necessary to calmly know that it will be achieved, but at the same time, the option of failure should always be allowed. Such a reservation, the very fact of admitting a negative scenario, creates the most favorable conditions for achieving the goal.
The pessimist does not have such a problem; he keeps in mind the possibility of a negative outcome from the very beginning. If it were not for the general gloomy attitude, the pessimist could easily achieve practical goals - only due to the fact that he does not have the self-confidence for which the universe always punishes. But he has no motivation, no excitement, no mood for work, which usually prevents him from getting the desired result.
Thus, here, too, the victory is for the optimists. The best way to achieve something is to work with faith in yourself, in a successful outcome. Give yourself up to the cause entirely, do everything that depends on you - and at the same time understand that there is a possibility of an unfavorable outcome. You did everything you could, the rest does not depend on you. It turned out - great, there is a reason to rejoice. It didn't work out - nothing, you can survive. Try again, find other ways - and be sure to succeed!