Relationships do not always work out the way they would like. And sometimes a woman realizes that the couple has no future, but is afraid of change. Afraid of being alone or simply influenced by a habit. Sometimes a woman simply does not understand whether she is satisfied with the relationship or not, because today everything is fine, and the next day it is bad. To begin with, you should answer yourself a few questions, and then decide whether to continue.

Step 1
Relationships should be good for you and make you happy. Always determine for yourself what you want from the relationship and whether you get it. And for this it is necessary to remain aware and look at the situation soberly, even if sometimes emotions prevail over reason. Make a list of the pros and cons and see how they compare.
Step 2
Throw a guy, without hesitation, if he is a born tyrant, constantly controls you, and even worse - hits. Don't count on being able to re-educate him. Statistics suggest otherwise. This also includes cases when a guy insists that you give up something that is dear to you - work, girlfriends or hobbies.
Step 3
Leave the man with whom you cannot relax. Perhaps he is one of those who do not know how to appreciate a good attitude and takes it for granted. Perhaps for some time the relationship is on the verge and will allow you to maintain vitality and acuteness of sensations, but you cannot build something serious on such a basis. You will not be able to trust him when you are vulnerable, for example, during pregnancy.
Step 4
If you strive for self-development all the time, and your partner prefers to spend free time on the couch in front of the TV, think about whether you need someone who will pull you back. In addition, such men often envy their successful passions and try in every possible way to make them give up personal growth, career, etc. Realizing that they themselves do not reach the level, they often try to assert themselves at the expense of others.
Step 5
Do not regret parting with a man who shifts all problems onto your shoulders and is unable to cope with any life tasks. Many women fall into the trap of the maternal instinct and live with men whom they feel sorry for and whom they hope to re-educate. This usually gets you nowhere and is a waste of time.
Step 6
Pay attention to how the man treats you, to his actions. Does he care about your affairs, is he happy to help you if necessary, is he greedy, is he happy with your successes. Your partner should value you if you don't want to always be the suffering side of the relationship. If initially his behavior towards you leaves much to be desired, then, most likely, nothing will change further.
Step 7
Put your relationship in perspective based on what you currently know about your partner. Are you satisfied with what you see? If not, it might be worth considering a spat.