Three years is a difficult age for a child. It's not just a crisis, as a rule, during this period, the baby is sent to kindergarten. There he will have to get used to the new order and learn to communicate with peers.

Step 1
To adapt to the new conditions of existence, prepare the child in advance. If he has spent all the time up to this point only with his family, it will be difficult for him to develop communication skills.
Step 2
Teach your child to get acquainted, this is the first stage of starting communication. People are divided into introverts and extroverts. It is not difficult for someone to come up and start a conversation with a stranger, while others prefer to spend time alone. If your child has introverted traits, teach him to get to know each other. Role-play with him using his favorite toys. Let the bear (he is voiced by the child) ride on the swing, and the bunny (speak for him yourself) wants to make friends with him. Show your child the dating options - how to approach and what to say. Then switch roles with him. Explain that smiling is a must when trying to make a new friend. And if the child receives a refusal, then do not be offended. You can invite a friend to visit to play with him, and already in the process of the game get acquainted. The kid will perceive role-playing games better than educational conversations.
Step 3
Show your child the benefits of communication by example. Children learn a lot by looking at their parents and adopting their behavior. If you have friends with whom you can spend quality time, this will be the best example of friendship. In the process of communicating with your child, tell how and with whom you were friends in childhood. He will be interested in what his parents were like at his age. With the help of such stories, you can explain to the child the issues of relationships with other children, without resorting to lectures and moralizing.
Step 4
From an early age, teach him to communicate with the children of friends or neighbors. Start a tradition of inviting them to visit, arrange joint trips to the circus or zoo. Over time, this can develop into a real adult friendship. But even if this does not happen, the child will receive the basics of friendly communication with peers. Show your baby how good it feels to do something nice for a friend. Bake a cake with your child for his arrival or draw a birthday card. The baby should have moral qualities that are accepted in society.
Step 5
In the process of communication, it is very important to observe a sense of proportion and tact. Teach your child to these concepts from an early age. Explain that you cannot spend all day visiting friends because they may have their own business. Also teach not to impose your society on people without their invitation, use the same role-playing games with toys for this.
Step 6
Show your child examples of communication with peers, watch cartoons with him and read books about friendship. Your task is to make sure that the kid himself understands which of the heroes is doing well and which is doing badly. Good books and cartoons will teach clear lessons about how important it is to be friends and be a reliable companion yourself.
Step 7
Prepare your toddler to interact with peers. The basics of correct behavior, laid down at an early age, will help him feel comfortable in kindergarten, at school and in adulthood.