One of the exciting leisure activities for the company is gambling. Card poker, fool, roulette, money disputes, slot machines - there are many ways to test your luck and playing talent. Many parents forbid their children to gamble, citing the opportunity to become addicted to gambling and become addicted. However, adrenaline-pumping games aren't always an absolute evil. They are able to develop ingenuity, attention to detail, and build self-confidence.

Gambling is not only a pleasant way to spend your free time. Most often, adults offer children to participate in a card game. And Western teachers advise not only not to refuse the offspring in joint games in cards, but also to stimulate such interest, to teach how to play. There are several reasons for this.
Card games and kids
Card games have an all-round developmental effect. They stimulate the awakening of mathematical abilities in children. At the same time, the child needs to track the reactions of the players, predict their moves in advance. Also, maps help to quickly make decisions and navigate in non-standard situations. In other words, gambling is an opportunity to lose some life situations.
Several symptoms can tell about the child's gambling addiction - sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, decreased interest in communicating with peers, loss of money or valuable things.
Gambling allows you to teach children how to play correctly - with dignity, without tears and resentment. In the family, you can even play poker to explain to the child the rules of the game; if this type of pastime is given only a couple of evenings a month or less, the likelihood of children's addiction to gambling will be minimal.
Remember that the forbidden fruit is always sweet for a child, so it is better to open the veil of mystery over gambling in a circle of loved ones than to allow a teenager to get acquainted with poker or casino in a dubious company.
How to protect your child from gambling addiction
There is gambling for money and interest. Of course, for children - especially younger ones - it is better to become familiar with games that stimulate a simple desire to win. In the minds of most people, card games are not associated with something vicious, it is just a way to while away the time with friends. And you can really play them with your family in the evenings.
Safe games such as chess, Monopoly, Scrabble, and bingo will help to develop attentiveness, memory and other abilities.
Gambling addiction, or gambling addiction associated with slot machines, roulette and other gambling in casinos, often causes a person to lose reality. Such games practically do not have any benefit for children's development, on the contrary, they can influence the formation of a model of behavior in a small person.
To a large extent, a child's attitude to gambling is formed based on the parent's reaction. Therefore, when the first interest of a son or daughter in this aspect of life arises, it is necessary to explain as fully and correctly as possible how important it is to separate games and reality. It is worth emphasizing that the game is secondary.