There are many nuances of behavior in adolescence today. Someone wants him to have beautiful pigtails, someone dreams of pierced ears and lips, but most teenagers are "fired up" by the idea of getting a tattoo.

Of course, the desire to get yourself a tattoo is directly related to the desire to stand out from the crowd and not be like everyone else. In addition, this is how adolescents perpetuate an event in their own lives. It's great if it will be a small tattoo in some inconspicuous place, but if the tattoo is large and will be located in the face or neck area, what then?
First, tell your child about all the possible consequences of such an act. Tattoos are done for a very long time, almost forever. Of course, in the future it will be possible to remove a tattoo, but this will take a lot of time and effort. Maybe it's better to give up such an idea?
If the child insists on his decision and refuses advice, carefully ask him to give up this venture, at least for a while. It is quite possible that later the child will change his desires for some other. Children usually change their desires quickly, and this is normal at their age.
Teenage children are always interested in trying something new, but they do not always immediately understand what they really want and whether what they want is safe now. Pay close attention to the little things in your child's behavior and keep in touch with him at all times.