For some parents, it is easier to buy a ready-made bed for their child. However, if you have the boards and the right toolkit, why not make one yourself? And there are no difficulties here, if you do everything correctly, according to the established procedure.

Step 1
Treatment. Boards (even purchased in a store) require mandatory processing. For her, you need to use a plane. As for the thickness, the optimal thickness of the board is 40 millimeters. It will be somewhat more difficult with 50 mm boards.
Step 2
Sawing. It is recommended to cut the boards after calculating all sizes according to the size of the mattress. In this case, it is better to buy a mattress in advance and measure it exactly again.
Step 3
Next comes grinding - an obligatory stage in the processing of boards. For this, you need a flat sander. In this case, it is recommended to select the network number 8.
Step 4
The next step is assembly. At this stage, you need to assemble the entire structure together using self-tapping screws. By the way, do not skimp on their quality.
Step 5
Headboard making. In order to make the head of the bed, it is better to use fiberboard. Attach the already cut headboard to the bed structure and grab it at the bottom with the screws. Next, fasten the upper part to the self-tapping screws with a wide head.
Step 6
The last step is painting. To paint the bed, you will need a brush and stain. You need to paint the product in two layers. Please note that each layer must dry for at least 4 hours. In the event that you want a bed with a rich dark color, you can cover it with a third layer.