During adolescence, the child gradually enters adulthood, so it's time to teach him how to manage money.

Step 1
It is necessary to teach the child to plan his expenses, not to spend more than he has, to correctly distribute money for all his needs. From childhood, build the willpower in the child to fight his desires. Correlate opportunities and needs. The child must know how hard money is earned, it must be spent wisely.
Step 2
Give your child enough attention, do not try to replace him with gifts and money. Otherwise, the child will form a wrong attitude towards parents, and attention and care will be associated only with material gifts.
Step 3
Show your teen by example how you distribute money. Spread the salary into the rent, products for other needs and only the remainder for personal desires. Teach your child to list their needs, prioritizing their importance. First, the most necessary, then what you want, but which you can do without, at the very end.
Step 4
Sometimes ask your teenager to shop on their own. This will prepare him for real life, he must see if they give change correctly, the weight of the products must also correspond. If something is wrong, the child should, without hesitation, calmly point out the seller's mistake, it is wrong to just leave his money to people.
Step 5
From a certain age, it is necessary to give the child pocket money. It will also help you feel more confident in the community of your peers. Children learn to distribute their own money, manage their desires. Teach your child to save unspent money. Even small amounts will eventually grow into a sufficient amount for more serious purchases.
Step 6
The main thing is to allocate a limited, fixed amount of money for pocket expenses and other needs. You should know what exactly the child needs and give money for the most necessary things. Because money creates needs. If you give a child money in excess of the norm, his needs will grow and then it will be difficult to explain the value of money and teach how to use it correctly.
Step 7
Try to subtly control your teen's spending. There is no need to interrogate where the money was spent, in the form of a dialogue, find out what the money is being spent on. This way you can avoid various unpleasant situations associated with fraud and extortion.