How To Give Miramistin To Children

How To Give Miramistin To Children
How To Give Miramistin To Children

Miramistin is an antiseptic drug. The active component of the spray is benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate, purified water acts as an auxiliary substance. The drug is a colorless transparent liquid, foaming when shaken.


Characteristics of the medicinal product

Miramistin has antimicrobial effect and has a bactericidal effect against gram-negative, gram-positive, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. The drug also has an antifungal effect on pathogenic fungi. It effectively prevents infection of burns and wounds, activates regeneration processes.

Miramistin is contraindicated in case of individual drug intolerance. When used simultaneously with antibiotics, there is an increase in the latter antifungal and antibacterial properties. The drug can cause side effects such as allergic reactions and a slight burning sensation at the injection site. The burning sensation goes away on its own after 20 seconds and does not require additional therapeutic measures.

Use of the drug in children

Miramistin is used in children aged three to 14 years in the complex therapy of acute pharyngitis or during an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. Also, the spray is used for viral stomatitis, gum inflammation and after tooth extraction. Before using the drug, remove the cap from the bottle, remove the spray nozzle and attach it to the bottle. Activate the attachment by double pressing.

Also, a little test should be done before using the antiseptic. It is necessary to apply a drop of the drug to the child's mucous membrane. In case of discomfort and prolonged burning sensation, it is impossible to use Miramistin further.

With gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, rinsing the child's mouth with 10-15 ml of antiseptic three to four times a day is prescribed. With exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis and acute pharyngitis, it is necessary to irrigate the diseased pharynx using a spray nozzle. Small patients aged 3 to 6 years are recommended 3 - 5 ml per irrigation three - four times a day, from 7 to 14 years old - 5 - 7 ml per 1 irrigation also 3 - 4 times a day, children over 14 years old - 10 - 15 ml of the drug for one irrigation four times a day. One irrigation holds 4 - 5 ml of Miramistin. The course of treatment is from 4 to 10 days and depends on the timing of the onset of remission.

The drug is dispensed from the pharmacy without a prescription. The manufacturer of the drug is the Russian pharmaceutical company Infamed. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is on average 150 rubles, the kit also includes a spray nozzle. One bottle can be used for both spraying and rinsing.
