If the first drawings appear on the walls of your apartment, then a baby with creative inclinations is growing in your family. Drawing is one of the most important processes for a child's development. When a baby draws, his imagination, attention, fine motor skills of his hands, and hence speech, develop, his memory improves.
How to teach a child to draw?

- - Paper;
- - Finger paint;
- - the pencils;
- - paints;
- - brushes;
- - markers;
- - workplace for the kid.
Step 1
Provide a comfortable place for your baby to draw. It is better if it is a table and chair for the child's height. You can also place your baby at a regular table on a high chair. Make sure that there is enough light in the workplace for the little artist.
Step 2
Prepare paper and a marker or bright felt-tip pen. Since small children start to draw from the shoulder, the sheets of paper should be large. Use pieces of wallpaper, for example. Start painting with your child around the age of one year. If the kid himself is not interested in drawing, show him an example. Take a marker and run it several times over the paper. It is not necessary to draw something specific, at first it is enough that your child understands how to leave marks on the sheet. Then invite the kid to try to paint himself.
Step 3
For the first experiments, use a marker or felt-tip pens, rather than pencils, as they are brighter and do not require effort to leave a clear mark. Buy water-based markers and do not leave your child alone with them, because babies taste everything. Also show the young artist how to paint with paints - how a brush leaves a mark on paper, how paints are mixed. Name the colors you paint, comment on your actions.
Step 4
Learn to immediately hold the marker correctly with three fingers. Small children grab all objects in the cam, it is more convenient for them. Correct the kid if he takes the felt-tip pen incorrectly, remind about it. This skill develops slowly. Make sure that the child does not grip the felt-tip too hard, otherwise the hand will be overstrained and quickly get tired.
Step 5
Praise the baby's first drawings tirelessly, because thereby you stimulate him for further exploits. At first, the child usually gets horizontal lines, then he begins to draw vertical lines, then a semicircle and finally a circle. Do not expect masterpieces from your baby right away. Plot drawings will appear much later.
Step 6
Invite your toddler to try finger painting. Not all children love them, some are frightened by the need to immerse their finger in something incomprehensible. Show by your example how this is done. Take a foam sponge, wet it and apply paint to the sponge. Press on the sponge with your finger and leave a print on the paper. To keep your baby interested, draw a funny face on the print with a pen. If the child refuses to draw on paper, offer to paint a balloon with his fingers. Usually the love of children's fingerprints and palms can create many interesting pictures.
Step 7
Reduce the size of the sheet offered to the baby to A3 format, because at about the age of one and a half years, the child begins to draw from the elbow. Later, the baby will begin to paint with the entire hand, and then only with his fingers. To make this happen earlier, teach your child to draw small objects. For example, draw a hedgehog and ask your kid to finish drawing needles, or draw a person and ask him to draw his face. As your drawing skills develop, invite your child to use pencils, they require more pressure.
Step 8
Do not ask the child to draw something specific, it is better if the child fantasizes himself, thereby he develops his imagination. Develop your baby's associative thinking. For example, if you see that a child has drawn something rounded, ask him, "Is this a ball?" In the future, the baby himself will notice that the circle is like a ball, the line is like a road, the oval is like a cloud, etc. When your child realizes that he can display his impressions on paper, draw everything he sees, there will be a big leap in his development.
Step 9
Do not criticize the baby's drawings, this offends the child, and he may lose interest in drawing. Do not correct or complete anything in the works of a young artist for the same reason. The first drawings may not be perfect, but these are the work of your child, which means they are the best in the world. Praise your baby as much as possible, hang his work on the wall, show them to guests.
Step 10
Cultivate your child's artistic taste. Show him reproductions. At an older age, take your child to an art gallery. And let your kid not become an outstanding artist, the main thing is that drawing will bring him, and therefore, you, a lot of pleasant minutes.