If a child is trying to portray something with semolina, it's time to buy paints, paper and create. Psychologists believe that the earlier your child starts drawing, the earlier his development will begin. While he is still small, we will draw together with the baby and help him master the easiest visual arts technique. For this, finger paints are best suited - they are non-toxic and can be easily washed off with water, they can be easily bought at any store that sells office supplies.

- Thick paper (Whatman paper) or wallpaper from the inside out, it is advisable to cover the entire table.
- Finger paints,
- Wet wipes,
- The sponge is dense to cut different shapes,
- Good mood.
Step 1
Equip your drawing area. To do this, you can use a regular children's table, covering it with paper. Arrange paints of different colors in jars and dilute them with a little water. The child's pen should fit freely into the container so that he can easily pick up paint. Place a wet towel nearby to dry your fingers.
Step 2
The easiest exercise, which will give the child an idea of his great abilities and possibilities, will be handprints, which he will leave on his first canvas. At the same time, he will get acquainted with the painting technique, which involves removing paint from his fingers with each color change.
Step 3
Sit down with your baby and try what color the sun should be. Dip your finger in the chosen paint, draw a circle and rays.
Step 4
Now you can draw a sea or a river. Wipe the baby's pen, remove the paint and dip the finger in blue again. For the sea, you can not regret the paint and dip all your fingers. Draw the waves.