At the sight of modern means of transportation for children, eyes sometimes simply run up. One of them has been confidently storming the minds and hearts of buyers for many years now - this is a special type of bicycle - a balance bike.

Step 1
A runbike is essentially a bike without pedals and can be the first step in your child's journey to mastering a real bike. The runbike consists of a frame, two wheels, a handle - a handlebar and a saddle. The seat and steering wheel of the balance bike are adjustable in height, so you can ride it for several years, because your favorite vehicle will grow with its owner.
Step 2
Unlike a bicycle, a child on a balance bike kicks off the ground with his feet, and this sets the mechanism and himself on it in motion. The treadmill is safe due to the fact that the child reaches the ground with his feet, that is, literally, if necessary, he can stand on his feet. The center of gravity is low, the child confidently controls the speed at which he is traveling. With this mechanism, it is easy for children to learn how to balance.
Step 3
After the balance bike, you can confidently change to a two-wheeled bike, bypassing such "stations" as riding a tricycle or four-wheeled bike.
Step 4
The treadmill develops the child in a balanced way, because the load during repulsion falls on both legs evenly, and the back is in an even position between the seat and the steering wheel, which the child holds with both hands.
Step 5
The treadmill is the easiest way to learn how to balance and control your body, it creates a great atmosphere for a walk, when you enjoy interacting with your baby and enjoying the outdoors at the same time.