The difficult stage of children's whims, as a rule, begins in a child at 2-3 years old. In order to properly respond to the behavior of the baby, parents first of all need to understand that this is a difficult, but necessary for the baby, period of growing up.

Step 1
Disobedience and stubbornness of a child are not always whims. Try to look for other reasons for this baby's behavior. The most common are lack of parental attention, loneliness, boredom. In such a situation, whims are a way to attract the attention of mom and dad, communication with whom the child needs like air. Remember that the whole little world of the baby is concentrated in the parents, and they are his main people. Do not dismiss the child, even if you are tired, not in the mood, busy. Do everything together, together, because you can find a homework that can be done even by the crumbs. Do not leave the baby alone with his problems: when he does not succeed in something, he is sad. Be ready to help, cheer, and praise.
Step 2
A common reason for the whims of babies is many prohibitions and restrictions. Train yourself to use the word "no" as little as possible in communication with your child. Let it only concern really dangerous things that threaten the life and health of a crumb or other people. In other cases, say: “don't,” “we won't do that,” etc. Before categorically prohibiting something, try other ways: explain, switch attention, hug, interest in something else. The main thing is to be consistent in the rules set for the child. Then he will lose the desire to test you with whims. Outdoor games and active walks in the fresh air will help the baby to realize the unspent energy and quickly restore the mood.
Step 3
And finally, do not forget that the baby has the right to be capricious sometimes. For example, if something hurts him, he is tired, his clothes are in the way or uncomfortable in new shoes, and perhaps someone has offended him. Always be calm and attentive to your baby, and you can survive a difficult period of whims, avoiding fatal mistakes in raising a child.