At the age of 1, 5, when the child becomes mobile and active, conflict situations easily arise between an adult and a child. Such an amazing and unknown world opens before the child. The thirst for research and the baby's pranks push the parents to constantly monitor him. Or, conversely, ignore the child's violent interests. But, the child needs by any means to achieve what he so longs for - whims and tantrums begin. How can you cope with children's whims and should you cope with them?

Step 1
Understand that your baby is not naughty because of harm. It's just that it's still difficult for him to express his emotions in another way. Do not let the baby cry for a long time, because the child's nervous system is still immature, and he himself will not be able to stop. He will scream to the point of hoarseness, although he himself no longer remembers what exactly upset him.
Step 2
Do not punish the kid for his whims. This is not only not an effective way to deal with them, but also harmful. Punishment in the child's understanding means only one thing, that he is “not loved”. After all, you are everything for the baby, and such a negative on your part will be regarded as a betrayal.
Step 3
Don't shame your child. The kid understands that he is “bad and guilty,” but he doesn’t understand yet. It is still too small.
Step 4
Do not indulge a child's tantrums. Distract your baby - babies can switch and be distracted very quickly. This feature of children should be used for educational purposes. Switch his attention to the cat on the window, or flowers on the street - such simple things magically affect the child. Everything is interesting for him! Take your baby in your arms and calm him down - it is very important for him to feel loved and feel your warmth.
Step 5
Introduce a rule in your family and stick to it: for every “no” you have, there should be one “can”. For example, you can't break toys, but you can feed your cat. Imagine yourself.
Step 6
If your distractions don't work, leave yourself temporarily in another room. Leave the baby for a while, let him scream. Try to calm down and distract yourself. Most likely, your baby will understand that the hysteria is not working and he will come running to put up with his mother. But do not forget that the child himself may not calm down, so after 3-5 minutes come back and try again to distract the capriciousness.
Step 7
Define a clear "no" list for yourself and stick to it strictly. Do not under any circumstances break these rules. If you are tired, this is not a reason to allow today to do what you should not have done yesterday.
Step 8
Praise your baby, reward him for good deeds. Thus, his self-esteem is formed and increased. And there will be fewer reasons for whims.
Step 9
Do household chores with your child. This will help him learn to solve problems on his own.
Step 10
If the baby in your family feels like a person, the whims will gradually decrease or stop altogether.