What To Do If A Child Grows Up To Be Moody

What To Do If A Child Grows Up To Be Moody
What To Do If A Child Grows Up To Be Moody

One of the important reasons for the emergence of whims is the constant compliance of parents. There are other reasons that parents should look into as well.

What to do if a child grows up to be moody
What to do if a child grows up to be moody

By the end of the first year of life, the child begins to gradually realize that if he shouts a little, he will immediately be given whatever he wants. It is during this period that the character of the child is laid. Parents are sorry to punish a child at this age. And when the baby starts screaming, demanding something, the following phrase is often heard: "Yes, give him, let him not scream." He quickly remembers and understands this phrase.

It gets worse with age, the child grows up too capricious. Two- and three-year-olds throw tantrums on the street and in the store. And mothers tear the hair on their heads, wondering what to do and how to reeducate the little bully. First of all, it should be noted that this is the fault of the parents. Therefore, it is better not to follow the lead of the child and not raise him spoiled, in this case there will be no question of how to re-educate.

The child wants to achieve his goal, and the most correct reaction to this situation is calmness in relation to children's emotions. For example, when a toddler in a store screams for a new toy, it is best to move away from him some distance. He will be a little offended, but he will definitely calm down. Over time, the child will understand that tantrums do not help him achieve his goal. In no case should you shout at the child or raise your voice. He will not calm down, since a child at this age is not ready to understand and accept refusal for his demands. You need to devote more time to your child. If a child is full and does not want to sleep, but still cries, there is no need to immediately get angry with him, believing that he is just spoiled. It is possible that he is bored, wants to play with someone, and lacks the attention of his elders. The child does not need to be pampered too much, namely to follow his lead. He gets used to the fact that everything is allowed to him and grows capricious and disobedient. This is bad not only for parents who will no longer cope with the child. This is bad for both the baby and his future.

Children spoiled by their parents will not be able to take care of themselves in the future. Boys grow up helpless, waiting for their parents to give him an apartment and a car. It will be difficult for girls to find a husband, since they will look in every man for the one who will fulfill all their whims. You need to bring up a child delicately, without going over to screaming. For example, if a child watches cartoons for too long, there is no need to defiantly turn off the TV and tell the child "no". You need to interest him in some other business, for example, playing together.

And one more important rule. If the parents are impulsive, enter into a conflict for no reason and get turned on with a half-turn, you should not expect something else from the child. He will not be calm. Kids in everything parody their parents up to a certain age. And the last thing that everyone should remember is that a child cannot be beaten. This will make him aggressive. It is better to look for other ways of punishment, such as deprivation of cartoons or something tasty.
