How A Child Grows Up To A Year

How A Child Grows Up To A Year
How A Child Grows Up To A Year

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People who became parents for the first time do not know how a child grows and develops up to a year. It is important to be aware of any changes in the baby: read the necessary information, consult a pediatrician, ask grandparents for advice.



Step 1

At 0-2 months, a child who, in the first week after his birth, senselessly moved his eyes around the room, begins to react to touches, sounds, to distinguish faces, to smile at others.

Step 2

At 2-4 months, the baby already holds his head, lying on his stomach. He carefully examines the objects that are near him. He likes bright toys. Therefore, you should hang rattles over the bed and in the stroller so that the baby can hit them with handles.

Step 3

At 5-6 months, the child already holds some small objects (toys, rattles) in the handles. In no case do not give your baby cheap Chinese things that are harmful to the body of the crumbs. Please note: All toys manufactured in this country are labeled “Children from 3 years of age”.

You can also gently seat your child with pillows on all sides. So, the baby will survey the room from a different angle. But before that, be sure to consult with your doctor: some children have health problems, because of which they can be seated at a later age.

A 5-6 month old baby is already beginning to speak syllables, pronouncing "ma", "pa", "ba", etc. The child tries to taste everything, so do not be intimidated by the fact that he drags everything into his mouth. This is a normal human reflex.

Also, the toddler at this age may begin to crawl. If this does not happen, do not be alarmed, because all children develop in different ways.

Step 4

At 7-8 months, the baby tries to sit down on its own, and in this you must help him in every possible way. Take it by the handles and pull it up slightly.

Also, the baby is trying to stand up. At this age, he walks along the bed, holding on to its back. He makes incomprehensible sounds. Do not be intimidated by this, because the baby speaks his own language, trying to convey his emotions and feelings.

The child confidently holds objects, examines them carefully, throws and transfers from one hand to another. He also, having found some small detail, tries to pick it out. Make sure the child does not swallow anything. To do this, all buttons, paper clips and other dangerous objects must be in the place where the baby cannot get.

Step 5

At 9-10 months old, the little one moves around the house, holding on to the support. As soon as he, staggering, reaches the wall, leaning against it, the baby quickly runs to the right place. You must insert special caps into all sockets, remove from tables all objects with which the baby can harm himself.

Step 6

At 11-12 months, the child walks, knows how to speak short words (mom, woman, dad, give, on, etc.).
