They say that even the walls help in the home space. If we talk about babies, every square centimeter turns out to be developing and useful!

Step 1
Nursery: in your own wonderland
At first, the baby has enough bright spots in the interior. They help the eyes to focus on the subject. Therefore, several balloons attached to the wall near the crib are appropriate as part of the furnishings. You can install a mobile on a crib as early as two months. At the same age, an interest in toys is born.
Step 2
Noisy objects will help you understand the function of your hands, palms and fingers. Regular manipulation will lead to an understanding of what depends on him, when, what and how to take. Moreover, it is he who can squeeze the maximum sounds from the rattle. Especially if you carefully bang it on the headboard.
Step 3
Small, attached to the headboard, it will captivate primarily with colored shadows on a smooth surface. Looking at his reflection, the baby will gradually understand who this beautiful pink-cheeked angel is (this is mother's personality characteristic in the looking glass). Psychologists say that it is with the help of the mirror that the baby first becomes aware of his own "I". Playing with a mirror entertains, pleases and does not get bored for a very long time. You have to consider yourself properly!
Step 4
A small piece of cloth is good for everyone
You can twirl it in handles, taste it. But the most important thing is that a funny game "Who is here?" Is obtained with him. Mom hides her face behind a handkerchief, as if behind a screen. Then he sharply lowers it and asks: "Who is here?" The reaction of the little one is pure joy. He laughs, pulls the handles and kicks the bike. Experts call this phenomenon a "revitalization complex."
Step 5
The baby's first construction site will be in the nursery. It is here that the child will place a cube on a cube and build a tower. And then with a noise he will destroy the structure in order to repeat everything in a minute. By the way, from an early age, teach him to always put his toys in the nursery.