How To Train Neatness

How To Train Neatness
How To Train Neatness

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Accuracy is one of the main qualities of a well-mannered person. The sensitive period for the education of accuracy is the preschool age, when the basic character traits of the child are laid. The main method of upbringing accuracy is the personal example of parents.

How to train neatness
How to train neatness


Step 1

Start instilling neatness in your child when he can fold his toys. Explain to your child that every item in the house has its own place. Start with your child's personal belongings. So he will quickly understand the need to clean them up.

Step 2

In the process of educating accuracy, apply a playful technique. To do this, use your child's favorite doll or soft toy. Let her "show" by her example how she "copes" with cleaning. The doll is perceived by the child as a peer and friend, so the effect of such a display will be positive. Alternatively, ask your child to show the doll or toy how to clean up their belongings. The sense of responsibility shown by the child in this case will also contribute to the education of accuracy.

Step 3

Be sure to motivate your child to act. Tell him that you are confident in him, his ability to be accurate. When you see that the child has folded his things, tidied up his toys, be sure to praise him. Timely praise will give the child confidence in his abilities, encourage him to do a good deed again. Use a request to help a family member as motivation.

Step 4

Provide a list of daily responsibilities for the child, commensurate with his strength. Regularly doing simple chores around the house will teach your child to do things carefully. Also, be sure to monitor the process. Over time, the child will get used to how to carry out instructions and control will be replaced by self-control.

Step 5

Develop uniform requirements for the child. It is unacceptable that there are pronounced disagreements in the family about the upbringing of the child. At the same time, the requirements should not be periodic, otherwise they will be regarded by the child as optional.

Step 6

Apply a personal example in being accurate. In this case, the child will perceive it as the norm and gradually become neat himself.
