Often, mothers of scattered babies envy the parents of those children who show their self-discipline from an early age. Of course, it is much easier for such children to study at school, they know how to live according to a relatively clear schedule, while they even manage to help their parents with household chores. How to teach the discipline of a child who is constantly "pulling rubber"?

Step 1
First of all, try to explain to the kid how convenient and fun it is to play and engage in exciting activities, if the "obligatory" program has already been completed - the dishes are washed, the lessons learned.
Step 2
The best example is parents. The child perfectly understands where there is a place of concentration, and where the mother herself eludes the precise execution of affairs, spending time talking on the phone or watching TV. If a child always has before his eyes the example of parents who have all their work going according to plan, and after that they know how to fully enjoy the rest, then he will want to follow their example.
Step 3
Try to wean your child from paying attention to external factors that interfere with gathering. For example, ask him not to talk to his friends on the phone until he has finished homework. Requests don't work? Move on to prohibitions: you need to learn concentration from an early age, otherwise it will be very difficult in adulthood.
Step 4
Try to teach your child to do one thing efficiently, and not several - somehow. Of course, among children there are also geniuses capable of miracles of resourcefulness. However, in most cases, the child will be able to do just a few unfinished business.
Step 5
Train your baby's attention from childhood with special exercises: if he grows inattentive, then problems with losing keys, forgetting things, etc. cannot be avoided. Attention exercises can be very simple and can be found in the literature.
Step 6
Perhaps the problem cannot be solved on its own: then try to consult with a child psychologist, telling him in detail about the character, habits and characteristics of the baby, which you consider necessary to correct. The doctor will tell you how to correctly approach the solution to the problem.
Step 7
It is quite possible that with your unobtrusive help and prompts, the child will simply "outgrow" this problem over time. As a rule, by the beginning of secondary school, children become much more collected, beginning to realize responsibility for their own actions and the consequence of their lack of focus. However, the child constantly needs to be guided in the right direction, unobtrusively prompting him where exactly his mistakes are.