When entering school, children are required not only to know the alphabet, but also to be able to read. If your child does not have basic reading skills by the age of 5, you need to start learning, otherwise you risk not having time to prepare him for school. You can take him to a preschool development center, or you can teach him to read on your own.

Step 1
To start learning, buy your child the correct ABC book. It should be based on the syllable reading technique. The child immediately learns to read syllables, not letters. When you go through the alphabet, learn not letters, but sounds. Show that vowel sounds stretch and can be sung.
Step 2
Do not try to work with your child when he is upset or sick. The process of learning to read should be fun, organize it in the form of a game, children perceive this method best of all. Purchase aids - coloring pages with letters, a magnetic alphabet, etc. The child learns better letters if you play with him the game "What letter does the word begin with." After the child says a letter, he finds it in the picture.
Step 3
Then start reading syllables. Compose syllables starting with the letter A, using its combinations with consonants and vowels. Then learn syllables with reverse reading of letters (pa -ap, ma -am, etc.). When the child learns several syllables, make up simple words from them, gradually adding one more syllable to them: ka-na-va, ku-ku-ru-za, etc.
Step 4
At the next stage of training, make up words from syllables with various combinations of vowels and consonants: ka-r-ta, hat-ka, re-p-ka. To strengthen new knowledge, tell a bedtime story where the characters are your new learned words.
Step 5
When your child learns the syllables with the letter A, start learning the following vowels. Do not wait for him to learn all the consonants, there are many of them. Make syllables from new vowels and new consonants. When all the vowels will "fly off the teeth" - make simple sentences, such as "Sa-sha crying."
Step 6
In the last place, learn those letters that are not pronounced - the soft and hard sign, as well as "Y". They are well learned when reading words that end in the same letters - "salt-beans", or stand in the middle of the word - "T-shirt-watering can".
Step 7
Play with your child to school. As a rule, children prefer the role of a teacher in such games. Write misspelled words, let your child learn to recognize and correct them. Get a book for 5-year-olds labeled “read by syllables” and study on it together. If the child does not succeed in everything at once, do not be upset and do not scold him.