Among parents, as well as among educational specialists, there is no unequivocal opinion about when to start teaching a child to read. However, there is strong evidence that the first steps in this direction can be taken even before children are one year old.

Step 1
If parents intend to teach their one-year-old child to read, first of all, they can be advised to be patient and restrained - no one can give an exact answer when their efforts will be rewarded, and the baby will be able to read the first letter, and maybe even a line. However, experts are practically unanimous - with correct and systematic lessons, a child will be able not only to master reading, but also to sincerely love books.
Step 2
The first lessons are best done in a playful way. To begin with, you need to choose the right book or magazine with a large print, you can also use special editions, where this or that letter is accompanied by a corresponding picture (K - cat, C - table, etc.). During the initial stage, it is worth drawing the child's attention to the picture, clearly pronouncing its name. In addition to learning to read, at the age of one, the baby's vocabulary begins to form, and many children also learn to speak. Therefore, it is likely that parents will be able to kill two or even three birds with one stone - in addition to love of the book, significantly enrich the child's vocabulary, which in the future will pleasantly surprise dad and mom, as well as achieve the correct pronunciation.
Step 3
If the baby is able to point his finger at a word pronounced by his parents (apple, dog, house, etc.), it is worth moving on. In addition to ready-made books, you can make cards from thick cardboard or buy a ready-made set. When showing the child this or that letter, it is necessary to try to consolidate new knowledge, and then you can proceed to the syllables, not forgetting about the play method of teaching.
Step 4
You can start with the most common and familiar to a child's ear combinations, for example - "mu" (how does a cow moo?), "Ma" (ma-ma), "am" (who will eat now?). It is not worthwhile to unnecessarily tire the child during one lesson by inviting him to get acquainted with several letters at once, and even more so syllables. Even if the baby is initially interested and visually ready to continue the "game", the result may be exactly the opposite. Demanding too much from a one-year-old child, there is a risk that he will not only lose interest in such a pastime, but will also begin to negatively perceive letters, syllables, and books combined. The boundaries that are not worth going beyond can be determined only by the parents themselves - after all, only they, knowing their child, are able to notice the first signs of fatigue.
Step 5
Experts are almost unanimous - nothing teaches better than a personal example. If the family cultivates a love of books and reading, the learning process is likely to go smoothly. A kid who sees his mother and father with a book in their hands from early childhood will sooner or later think and want to find out why they are doing it. And for well-read parents, it will not be difficult to arrange a real show from viewing a children's book, during which the child will not only gradually memorize all the letters one by one, but will also master a whole range of useful skills. For example, using the example of Suteev's fairy tales, which are usually very well illustrated and suitable for reading together with one-year-old children, you can not only teach kids to listen, but also follow the development of the plot. The mentioned fairy tales are also great for working with the read, since after watching them you can ask the child a lot of questions (the difficulty varies depending on the age and level of training of the child) in order to understand how well he has mastered the material. In the future, this will be of invaluable help - a well-prepared child can quietly learn to read on his own.