How To Recognize Indigo In A Child

How To Recognize Indigo In A Child
How To Recognize Indigo In A Child

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Clairvoyant Nancy Ann Tapp claimed that at the end of the 70s of the last century, children with an indigo aura were born. Not only the color of their aura is unusual, but also the abilities and character traits. How do you recognize such a child?

How to recognize indigo in a child
How to recognize indigo in a child


Step 1

Determine the level of intelligence and creative activity of the child: does he often give out non-standard solutions to problems, thinks unconventionally, does something differently like everyone else. Such children are capable of solving rather complex problems. And they have their own opinion on everything.

Step 2

Pay attention to what is considered to be childhood fantasies. If a child shares with you amazing stories about other worlds, planets, claiming that this is not a fiction, but pure truth, talks about his past lives, angels, the secrets of the Universe, then you are most likely an indigo child.

Step 3

Analyze the child's relationship with peers. As a rule, indigo children don't get along well with children of their own age. Indigos are almost always antisocial. They have increased self-esteem and do not accept any inhibitions. In addition, an indigo child is prone to philosophical reasoning that is not characteristic of his age, and therefore he is not interesting to children either in kindergarten or at school.

Step 4

Take a closer look at the child's relationship with nature and animals. Indigo children often talk to trees, pets and claim to hear them.

Step 5

Show the child to the doctor, especially if the child is uncontrollable, unable to concentrate on an activity, easily distracted, never completes what he started. Often, indigo children are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and vice versa (children with this diagnosis are called indigo children, even if they no longer have any other indigo traits).

Step 6

Consult a psychologist who will conduct tests and can more accurately determine what caused the child's unusual behavior. Often parents wishful thinking. The specialist will determine the level of the child's intellectual development, whether this level corresponds to the child's age or significantly exceeds it.

Step 7

Turn to a psychic who can see the aura. It is generally accepted that an indigo child has an aura of a deep blue-violet color, that is, the color of indigo. Find out what color your child's aura is.
