A condition in which a person is in an extreme degree of self-isolation is called autism. How to recognize the first signs of this disease in a child in order to turn to specialists and help the child feel the joy of communicating with the world around him?

From the first days of life, children need tactile contact and persistently try to attract attention to themselves. However, a child with autism, on the other hand, is more comfortable in a crib. Finding himself in the arms of an adult, he tries to escape, avoiding bodily contact in every possible way.
The baby does not react to parental affectionate words and even to loud sounds, an unexpected bright flash of light. The toys suspended over the head of the cradle do not occupy the child's attention and remain invisible to him. It seems that a small thinker has settled in your house, completely immersed in thinking about a certain universal problem.
The kid is too calm, inactive. He does not know the natural curiosity of children. He is not a researcher or even an observer of life around him. The child is in no hurry to declare his problem with a loud and demanding cry, as children of his age usually do. On the contrary, the cry of the crumbs is monotonous, on one note. He is able to make such lingering sounds for a long time, finding pleasure in them for himself.
As he grows, the baby lags more and more noticeably in development from his peers. He utters the first words completely incoherently, without trying to put phrases and convey his desires to adults. For him, speech is not a means of communication, but just a set of sounds. He is unable to name an action or an object with a word.
With toys, the baby can sit for hours, monotonously arranging them in a row or circle, according to one known plan. The game is more like a ritual than the usual children's entertainment. The child ignores all attempts by the parents to interrupt this activity and learn something new.
The kid is almost always depressed and puzzled by some unknown problem to others. He does not have any pronounced emotional outbursts. He is equally indifferent to praise and punishment. For a child, there are no events worthy of a violent reaction or special attention.