The child is developing continuously. He is growing, his body is getting stronger. But it's not just physical data that is changing. Do not forget about the mental state of the child. Constant stress, anxiety and other nervous shocks can develop autism. Therefore, it is so important to identify deviations.

One of the most important reasons for the appearance of this ailment is a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. Its development begins from birth until the age of 12. Disruption of her work contributes to the development of the disease. A child with autism will react to external factors (stimuli) differently from their peers.
The whole trouble is that parents often do not see any deviations in the addictive behavior of their child, attributing this to the age or uniqueness of the child. Therefore, it is important to know the signs of autistic behavior:
- atypical reaction to the lack of comfortable conditions;
- weak reaction to a strong stimulus;
- an atypically strong reaction to a weak stimulus;
- lack of reaction to your name;
- the child rarely smiles.
All these prerequisites can be seen by an adult. However, the diagnosis itself should only be made by a qualified physician. It will help you understand the cause and effect and understand whether anxiety symptoms are really a consequence of the development of autism, and not another disease. Once a diagnosis is made, parents should take immediate action to minimize the detrimental effects of the disease on the child's development. Otherwise, if you do not take action, then the development of autism will begin to progress. All this will lead to a deterioration in communication skills, the child will be more and more withdrawn, mental development will stagnate.
In order to better understand the signs of autism, 2 age groups should be distinguished in which their deviant behavioral factors are:
- creation of your inner world and full immersion in it;
- lack of desire to socialize - communicate with peers, avoid communication, touch, gestures;
- lack of emotions or their rare manifestation.
- narrow outlook;
- low vocabulary;
- the desire to repeat phrases or words after another person.
A timely medical approach (working with his vocabulary, constant communication and socialization) will minimize the damage from the disease, and in other cases cause remission. The most important thing is that the parents participate in this process and constantly support the child.
External factors affecting the development of the disease (during pregnancy):
- infectious diseases in the mother during pregnancy or lactation;
- drug use, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcoholic beverages;
- frequent stressful situations of the mother, finding the nervous system in constant excitement;
- contact with various chemicals.
It follows from this that in order to exclude the development of this disease in your child (as well as others, not only related to the nervous system), you should take the planning of pregnancy with all seriousness.