You can often hear that it is impossible to punish a child, especially physically. At the same time, they insist that you need to be able to explain everything in words, and punishments traumatize the psyche.

This point of view became widespread in the second half of the twentieth century. Its active popularizer was Benjamin Spock, according to whose book many parents rushed to raise their children. However, it has now become known that this measure works more in fantasy than in practice. They began to pay attention to this especially when it became known that Spock's son himself, brought up in the spirit of this teaching, did not want to know his father and subsequently committed suicide.
Alas, this is true. Children who grew up in too soft an environment are much more vulnerable mentally than those who were periodically punished. In communities close to nature, physical punishment is commonplace, but the mental health of both children and older members of this society is far superior to the health of their civilized counterparts who celebrate the ideas of non-violence. And this is despite the fact that the life of these people is much tougher than that of city dwellers.
Mild physical punishment, such as a slap or slap in the face, is the most common discipline among these people. Yes, and we also had time, children could get a spoon on the forehead from a stern grandfather for indecent behavior at the table. Subsequently, these children grew up and performed miracles, both in peacetime and in war, demonstrating colossal vitality everywhere.
And the latest research from around the world has proven that the condemnation of physical punishment, in particular and punishment in general, is an invention of modern society that harms more than helps.
In primitive and tribal communities, there is nothing like this, since these people trust practice more than the vague constructions of civilized dreamers. Although, it is worth noting that public punishments, like the brutal tortures that were in Europe in the era of religious fanaticism (and which are still practiced in closed religious-totalitarian communities), are also not practiced there.