You don't need to have outstanding teaching ability to help your child learn to read. Parents themselves can handle this. There are many author's techniques, manuals and primers that will help you with this.

Step 1
When studying the alphabet with your child, name the letters as they sound. For example, pronounce the letter M as "m", not "uh". Yes, this is not true, and then the child will have to retrain the names of the letters. But the baby will not get confused when pronouncing and folding letters into syllables.
Step 2
When you read to a child, run your fingers over the text so that the printed is associated with the words that you pronounce. Read slowly so that he has time to follow you, expressively and clearly. Try to get books for the first independent reading, even if you plan to read it yourself. In such publications, the text is large and divided into syllables. It will be easier for the child to perceive such a spelling.
Step 3
Fold syllables with your baby on cubes or cards. Show how the words change from the rearrangement of the cubes. Play games with your child, such as asking what starts with a certain letter of the alphabet. Ask a letter, let him choose different words. Together with your baby, make words from cubes. First, let only one cube be missing in the word, which must be found and put in place. Gradually complicate the tasks.
Step 4
Don't worry if your child can't read before school. He will definitely catch up with this skill. But if you have already decided to teach him to read from an early age, carefully select the methodology, prepare and be patient. You will need to do it regularly, every day, and then there will be a good result. Perhaps the kid will not begin to study books on his own, but you will lay the foundation that he will gradually digest and then learn to read faster.