September 1st is coming soon. Parents buy school supplies, clothes and shoes for their children. What points should you pay attention to?

When making purchases, we first of all pay attention to the price and appearance. But here it is about the child, and first of all you need to look at the composition. Even school supplies can be unsafe.
Particular attention should be paid to the knapsack. Incorrectly fitting can cause poor posture. According to sanitary standards, a first grader's backpack without filling should not weigh more than 700 grams. Filled - no more than three kilograms. But even for middle and senior students, weight without textbooks should not exceed one kilogram. For younger students, backpacks with a soft back and not suitable in size are not suitable. Read the label. On it must be written "school backpack" and the age of the child.
Be sure to try on the backpack for your child. It should not rest against the back of the head with the upper edge and in no case should it press on the lower back. A backpack for growth is also not an option. It will be completely uncomfortable for a child to carry. And it is fraught with spinal deformities: scoliosis and kyphosis. There is one more rule: the weight of the backpack should not exceed 10 percent of the weight of the child. The back of a backpack should ideally be rigid. These backpacks tend to be more expensive. But on the other hand, they give the back the correct shape, and school supplies and textbooks do not put pressure on the lower back.
School supplies
When choosing school supplies, consult with your child. But at the same time, look at the composition. If there is a pungent chemical smell and a poisonous color, then it is better to refuse such a purchase. Choose markers based on water-based ink. If the composition contains benzene, chloroform, toluene, then this can adversely affect the health of the student.
The eraser should not be too bright and smell something. This suggests that it contains dangerous colors and flavors.
When choosing notebooks, evaluate the color of the pages. Ideally, they should be ivory. Bright whites or grays, on the other hand, can have a negative effect on vision.
Properly selected fountain pens contribute to beautiful handwriting. For younger students, a triangular handle is recommended. It's more convenient to hold it this way. A handle with a recess in the body will also work.
Do not buy a pencil case that contains PVC. An unpleasant chemical odor should also alert you.
Consider pencils. Do they comply with the European standard. This indicates the absence of heavy metals in their composition.
If the clay is bright in color, it contains a lot of paint and stabilizers. Good plasticine should not get your hands dirty and leave greasy marks on the paper.
The glue stick is very good. It is almost impossible for them to get dirty. For older students, PVA glue with a dispenser is convenient.
Clothes and footwear
Choose clothes made from natural fabrics. After all, the child will be in it for a long time. It should not be tight or loose. Shoes should be flat and fit.