How often do we, parents, in the hustle and bustle of life running past at cosmic speed, simply banally dismiss children, always at the wrong time, always naively annoying "why", not noticing, neither how we hurt these our children, nor that how we block their cognitive processes. And then we are sincerely surprised - why the child does not want to study at all, doomedly complaining that the younger generation has no educational motivation in principle.

And what, in fact, is our share of guilt in what is happening? In fact, it is during the period of these annoying "why" that the very cognitive activity of the child is formed, which is so lacking later in the period of schooling. The child not only receives answers to questions, but also learns to concentrate his attention, listen, understand, analyze. So it turns out that the very first teachers in his life are his parents.
Everyone knows how much depends on the first teacher. Will she be able to interest the child, instill in him a love of knowledge. No one argues that it is from this first step into the world of knowledge under her sensitive guidance that all subsequent education of the child at school depends. His success and desire to learn. So why do we, parents, allow ourselves to dismiss the naive "why" of our child, not realizing that, in fact, we are his very first teachers?
Moreover, we never think about what exactly these "why" and allow us to establish our trusting relationship with the child. Each time, receiving an answer to his curious questions, the baby understands that the parents always have time for it. That everything that concerns him is important for the parents. Thus, the child develops an understanding of the absolute acceptance of his parents. He understands that his parents love him by anyone - small, stupid, not always understanding, capricious and obedient. Such children will not be afraid to look stupid, they will not be afraid to make mistakes. They will not be afraid of not knowing something, they will not be afraid to ask. This means that they will not be afraid to be themselves.
If the child does not receive an answer to his pesky questions, then he has a feeling that his parents are not up to him. That they have more important things to do, but he, small and stupid, is not interesting to them, and … is not needed.
So it turns out that with a little "why" our child's "start in life" begins. And what the start will be - directly depends on us, the parents.