The time has passed when you established breastfeeding, tormented by questions of attachment, nutrition and quantity of milk. But as soon as novice parents relax … First teeth in the studio! And with them the first bites.

Often the mother is more concerned with the question: “Does he do it on purpose? It is unlikely that your child realizes how much you are in pain. New teeth itch, interest in exploring the environment is very high, I want to gnaw everything, and my mother's reaction resembles a fun game. They say that children can bite from a lack of milk or mother's attention. Scolding and taking offense at a child is not a way out. Try to be patient and wean him.
Some mothers are lucky: the reaction to pain from the first unexpected bites scares the baby enough so that he does not continue such experiments. Mom did not have time to figure out how to react correctly, hissed, screamed in pain, and that was enough.
Unless you scare your tomboy with such things, breastfeeding experts strongly advise against continuing to squeal and hiss. The tactic is as follows: if you bit it - say “it hurts for mom” - insert your little finger into your mouth (plug your nose / press it closer to your chest) - pull the nipple out of your mouth - pause for a few minutes - continue feeding. If it bites again, repeat these steps, slightly increasing the break time. Try to follow the correct attachment and take the breast if you see that the baby is full.
There are some prerequisites before a bite:
- the child is already full and is distracted from the sucking process;
- the baby starts playing with the nipple;
- there is a sly look and a mischievous smile known to all bitten mothers.
Paying attention to these signs and responding correctly to bites can help you avoid unnecessary injury. Over time, your child will understand that this behavior does not make mom happier and closer, and will stop biting.