During the period of breastfeeding, mothers periodically leak milk. Clothes and underwear get wet and dirty, as a result of which the woman experiences discomfort and looks untidy.

Step 1
In the first few months, many mothers note that when feeding a baby with one breast, they release some milk from the other. For some women, this goes away by 3-4 months of a child's life after the establishment of mature lactation. In other mothers, this continues throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. Milk can also suddenly spill out between feeds and stain the woman's clothes.
Step 2
In order not to go all the time with dirty spots on clothes, a nursing mother can use special disposable bra pads. Depending on the manufacturer, one insert can cost from 5 to 10 rubles. The most popular are gaskets from Pigeon, Chicco and Avent. Unlike the products of some other companies, the liners of these manufacturers absorb milk well and are firmly attached to the bra. The disposable breast pads are thin enough to remain invisible under any clothing.
Step 3
You can also find reusable breast pads in stores. Unlike disposable ones, they do not stick to the laundry, so they often wrinkle and slip. Reusable earbuds are inferior to disposable ones in terms of milk absorption quality. In addition, these liners are quite thick and stand out under tight clothing. The main advantage of reusable pads is their price. Since they can be washed, 1-2 packs will be enough for mom for the entire period of breastfeeding.
Step 4
If you have not had time to buy bra pads, you can use regular pads. Take a long night pad, cut it in half, and glue it to the inside of the linen with the cut up. The coverage of these pads is tougher than breast pads, so mom may experience some discomfort. Therefore, this method of keeping clothes clean is suitable, for example, if you urgently need to go outside, and there are no other liners at hand.
Step 5
You can make your own breast pads from reusable diaper pads. During feeding, you can fold one of the earbuds in half and place it under your free breast. You can also sew pads to fit your size from existing diaper inserts. To do this, you need to cut out blanks of the desired shape and sweep their ends. However, such reusable pads may darken and develop an unpleasant odor after several dozen washes.