Divorce, like marriage, is a notable event in the lives of many people. And if some come to these decisions consciously, others may succumb to a momentary emotional heat and, within a matter of days or even hours, try to “burn all the bridges”.

Step 1
Start all over again or not try to glue the broken cup, as popular wisdom advises? Alas, there is no unequivocal answer to this question - each couple has their own history and their own reasons for which they once decided to go together, and after a while - “to start free swimming”. However, there are some universal recommendations that can help clarify the most confusing, as it seems at first glance, situation. According to psychologists, if there is even one thought about canceling an already planned divorce, you can try to save your marriage. Another question - will he be happy?
Step 2
First of all, it is important to understand what caused the desire to divorce and whether there are ways to change these factors or survive them if an irreparable thing happened, for example, a betrayal of a partner. It is quite natural that a husband or wife who has caught their other half of infidelity experience a whole range of emotions when thinking about divorce. However, there are cases when spouses managed to survive this, that is, the main thing is to understand whether they are able to maintain their relationship after an incident. Sometimes it is necessary to disperse for a few days so that emotions cool down, and feelings subside, and the mind can already make informed decisions. The banal "sheet of paper" method also helps some. Putting all the pros and cons of divorce in two columns can not only help you decide whether to divorce or preserve your marriage, but it will also allow you to look at the current situation from a different angle, unexpectedly opening up new ways or ways to solve problems.
Step 3
It is also worth considering: if the couple split up, how strong the shock could be? It is necessary to try to imagine the picture of the future life as clearly as possible: morning, breakfast, lunch - without the other half. Arriving home after work, there will be no one to tell about the day he lived, his joys and deeds, problems and worries. Of course, there are parents, relatives and friends, but after all, only he (or she) with just a joke managed to help cope with stress after work and defuse the atmosphere … If an imaginary "picture" seems incredible and even hurts, making you suffer, perhaps love still alive in the hearts of the spouses, and it is worth trying to "glue the broken cup".
Step 4
According to a number of experts, it is impossible to change a person only if he does not want to do it on his own. That is, there simply does not exist any technique that can "magically" turn a reveler and a rowdy into a quiet and economic couch potato. Wanting to restore marriage and avoid divorce, men and women sometimes tend to make promises without realizing the extent to which they can be fulfilled. Striving to improve relationships is commendable, but it implies careful, systematic and painstaking work on oneself. And the duty of the second of the spouses, if he changes his mind about divorce, is to provide his half with all kinds of help and support on this difficult path.
Step 5
There are always two guilty persons in intra-family problems, and they must be solved by joint efforts. This begs the question: what could be the fault of a woman who works tirelessly and actually "drags" her family on her, while her husband lies on the couch for days on end? Sadly, the wife is also responsible for the marriage, and her mistake is that she allowed her husband to treat herself like that. It is very difficult to change the current situation, as the statistics show, but it is quite possible. However, it may take perseverance and endurance, and, of course, love. Only in this case can you finally change your mind about divorce and try to save your marriage.