The question of raising a child is asked by every woman or parent. So let's start.

The child takes an example not from how you tell him, but from what he sees. For example, you say: "You should wash your hands before eating!" As a result, it happens that dad comes home from work and, without washing his hands, sits down to eat. You cannot shout and throw out all your grievances at the child, so as not to cry in old age and not say "why did I say all this."
In no case should a child be humiliated during upbringing. If your child suddenly heard foul language and began to say it himself, then at first do not pay attention to him. This is because the child, when you scold him, thereby draws attention to himself and does it more. Therefore, at first, do not pay attention to this, but if the child still continues to use foul language, then try to explain what he said. Usually, young children repeat what they have said or heard from adults.
The most important thing for every parent is that the child should not approach strangers. If a child is told that it is impossible to approach strangers, then he may not listen to you. How to fix it? There is one option. Find your acquaintance, whom he has not yet seen, and let him try to lure him to himself. Just do not overdo it, otherwise the child will be mentally out of order.
How do you remember a rule? The child remembers everything well when this information is presented in the form of a game. Think of a game with a rule that you want him to remember. If you want the child to remember everything well, then say everything gradually, otherwise the child will get confused and will speak half from one rule, and half from another.