Even in close-knit families, where children are given a lot of attention, kids sometimes behave in such a way that adults do not like it. Damage to wallpaper is a fairly common phenomenon. The kid can tear them, draw on them with felt-tip pens, or even apply the expression "oil painting" in practice. It is useless to scold him, but it is certainly necessary to try to find a way out of the situation.

When does it happen
This problem is most often faced by parents of young children. After three years, the urge to tear the wallpaper usually goes away. This is an age-related phenomenon, which can have several reasons. For example, a child might just be interested in seeing a large piece of paper turn into small pieces. It happens that the child tries to attract the attention of the parents in this way, if they do not do enough with him. There are also little negativists who tear up the wallpaper solely because adults do not like it. Methods of dealing with this phenomenon will be different.
Method for the curious
The easiest option is when the child tears the wallpaper out of interest in the process. Interest can be switched to something else. For example, give him a large sheet of paper that tears no worse than wallpaper, and rustles even louder. You can give your child a corner in the apartment, where you can do whatever he wants with the wallpaper: tear, draw, paste pictures. It is useful to glue a special sheet of wallpaper in this corner, but only partially, so that it tears as best as possible. The ability to freely express themselves will distract the child from destroying wallpaper throughout the apartment.
You can use tracing paper, wax paper, and even old newspapers, for example.
Lack of attention
If the kid tears up the wallpaper because little attention is paid to him, you need to give him what he lacks. He expects to be at least scolded. After all, punishment is also attention. No need to scold. Just do something interesting with him often. You can design from paper, you can draw on it, make origami and much more. Start doing all of this with your child. You will not even notice how the attention deficit will disappear by itself.
Above the age of three, the ways to get attention may be much less innocuous.
A way for a negativist
Children's negativism is especially characteristic of the "first transitional age", when the baby begins to demand independence and constantly insists on his own. In this case, do not focus on the wallpaper. The kid is waiting for your "no". Well, surprise him. Praise the torn wallpaper and ask them to do the same. This method should not be used too often, as negativism can remain for life.
Technical method
If, after all, your efforts did not give the expected effect - well, wallpaper is not the only way to decorate walls. You can, for example, cover the room with a cloth or make a roll. In addition, on sale you can always find wallpapers made of materials, which are difficult enough even for an adult to tear, if not impossible at all. They are, of course, more expensive than paper ones, but your baby's constant experiments will not get on your nerves.