Various non-traditional ways of drawing are an impetus to the development of your child's imagination, the manifestation of initiative and independence, as well as the expression of his individuality.

Let's take a look at five simple handy drawing materials. Please note that we are only talking about the possibilities of an object in a duet with paints.
For the first technique, you will need sponges. Special kits are sold in children's stores, but they are quite expensive. While similar devices can be made from a regular dishwashing sponge by cutting it into several parts. Or you don't have to.

Another great drawing tool is cotton swabs, which are great replacements for paint brushes, but at the same time help to make curly circles and thin lines. They can also draw thin lines if you twist the cotton wool on top a little.

A twine wound in several layers is a very textured material that leaves a wonderful print on paper. Be sure to try it out with your child. He'll love it.

The piece of crumpled paper itself is also great for drawing. If you change its shape, you can create any pictures.

Fork. In this unusual way, you can draw, for example, grass, a fence, needles for a fancy hedgehog. Just dip a piece of cutlery with your child in paint, attach it to the paper and you're done.

Experiment and create with your children, without limiting their frames!